प्रिय दोस्तों।।।
मै काशिम टेक्निकल सपोर्ट इंजीनियर, अपने साइट में हार्दिक स्वागत करता हु।
मेरा पेज अगर अच्छा लगे तो तो इसे सब्सक्राइब और शेयर जरूर करे। धन्यवाद। ।
We cannot share active internet connection. Of course windows allows us to the change the sharing setting in active state but change will only be take place after reconnecting it. For example following figure illustrates what window suggests when we change the setting in active state.
We have to terminate the active internet connection before we can share it. You can skip this step if you are not connecting with the internet right now.
Clicking Network icon from task bar will display all active connections. Click Disconnect to terminate the active connection and click open Network and Sharing center
Homegroup is an advance setup of networking. It is introduced in Windows 7. It makes sharing easier in home network. If you haven’t setup a homegroup or looking for a way to setup the new homegroup we suggests you to go through the previous articles of this category. This category is organized in start to finish way. In starting tutorials we explained how to setup a new homegroup. In middle articles we present a way to add new computers in homegroup. Later we learned how to manage a homegroup. For this article we assume that you have a working homegroup.
Check the state of homegroup and internet. Homegroup must be joined and internet connection should be disconnected.
Click Change adapter settings
Several types of internet connection are available such as Wireless internet, Mobile internet, Hotspots internet, Dial-Up internet, Broadband internet, DSL internet and cable internet. Regardless what type of internet connection we chose, sharing method will be same. Every attached network interface has its own network connection that can be used to manage it. Select the network connection that is currently used in accessing the internet.
Click properties from right click context menu.
Click properties from right click context menu.
Switch to Sharing tab. We have three options. First option is used to share the internet connection. Remaining two options are used to control the sharing. In a dial up type internet connection if we uncheck the second option, network users will only be able to access the internet until this system is connected with internet.
Select option one and two and click Ok.
Select option one and two and click Ok.
Shared icon and status will be appeared on this connection.
Connect internet on this system.
In a homegroup network no additional setting is required on a member computer to access the shared internet. If we are connecting first time with internet, window may ask to select the network location.
Select Home Network
Select Home Network
Click Close.
That’s all setup we need to do. Now we can access shared internet from this member computer.
In above example we did all process manually so we know which computer is connected directly with the internet. Suppose homegroup is setup by someone else and you are working on a member computer. How will you find out which computer is connected with the internet directly? Answer of this question is much easier than you think. Windows 7 has an inbuilt utility to draw the network map.
Network map
Network map is graphical utility to show how the network computers are connected with each other. In following steps we will use this utility to figure out that how our system is connected with internet.
Click Network icon from task bar and click Open Network and Sharing Center
Our computer is currently accessing internet via Network 2. Click See full map
This is how we are connecting with the internet. In this map LaxmiSoftwares2 is our computer that is connected with internet via LaxmiSoftwares1.
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