Friday, 22 April 2016

Outlook's Conversation View isn't working

प्रिय दोस्तों।।।

 मै काशिम टेक्निकल सपोर्ट इंजीनियर, अपने साइट में हार्दिक स्वागत करता हु। 
मेरा पेज अगर अच्छा लगे तो तो इसे सब्सक्राइब और शेयर जरूर करे। धन्यवाद। ।

Below are some common questions about Outlook's conversation view.

Two separate conversation threads happen to have the exact same subject because they were originally produced by an automated system that gives all e-mails the exact same subject line. How can I tell Outlook they are unrelated?
Short answer: You can't.

Long answer:
This should only happen with an Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange Server 2007 mailbox. Messages retrieved using POP3, IMAP, or using Outlook Connector/EAS, or received by Exchange 2010 or 2013 servers should be organized as separate conversations even though the subject is identical.
Somebody doesn't reply to an e-mail in a conversation, but rather creates a new e-mail with a new subject. How can I tell Outlook this new thread is part of the same conversation?
Sorry, you can't add messages to a conversation.
Somebody uses an e-mail in a particular conversation to start a new topic or refer to an existing topic that is unrelated to the current conversation. How can I tell Outlook this needs to be in it's own conversation thread?
Unfortunately, you can't remove messages from conversations either. Outlook's POP, IMAP, Outlook Connector/EAS message transport and Exchange Server 2010/2013 add a conversation property to the message when messages arrive and uses this value to group messages by conversation. When the conversation property isn't available (in Exchange 2003/2007), Outlook uses the Subject field.

Show as Conversations options

To enable or disable Show Conversations, switch to the View tab and check or uncheck the Show Conversations option. Expand Conversation Settings to fine-tune the conversation display.
Conversation options on the View tab

Show as conversations is only available when you group by date. If it's grayed out, you need to switch to the Date grouping. When Show as conversations is enabled, the Date group is labeled Date (Conversations).
In the Arrangement group select Date. A dialog box will open, asking if you want to arrange by conversation in all folders or this folder only, as well as an option to cancel. This dialog box comes up each time you enable or disable Show as Conversations.
apply conversations to all folders
When you upgrade from an old version of Outlook, Upgrade to Conversations is set automatically during the first run process after upgrading, but administrators can use group policy to block the use of conversations.
DWORD: UpgradeToConversations
Data Value: 1 (use conversations) or 0 (don't use)

If your computer doesn't use group policy, check the UpgradeToConversations value under the Outlook key atHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Setup
DWORD: UpgradeToConversations
Data Value: 1 (use conversations) or 0 (don't use)

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